According to China's criminal code, Wu will face capital punishment if the top court approves the judicial decision. 根据中国刑法,如果最高人民法院支持此前的判决,那吴英将面临着死刑的命运。
Consular officers shall not be committed to prison save in execution of a judicial decision of final effect. 领事官员不受监禁,但为执行已经发生法律效力的判决的不在此限。
The author holds that the civil rights of everyman can be deprived only by judicial decision, some civil rights are deprived naturally in imprison time, and the civil rights deprived naturally in imprison time can be resumed only by judicial judgment. 笔者认为:普通公民必须经司法判决才能剥夺民事权利、被判处监禁时的某些民事权利的当然剥夺、在押期间经司法裁判才能恢复被当然剥夺的各种民事权利。
The legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision. 陈述法院决定的原因的法律文件。
Benaja Widdup felt that the point demanded judicial decision. 本纳杰·威达普法官觉得这个问题需要司法裁决。
Consequentialist argument, as one justification form of legal arguments, is an important element of achieving and justifying judicial decision. 后果主义论证是法律论证的一种形式,是实现合理的司法裁判和证成裁决结论的重要要素。
Judicial decision is the bridge to link the law and the citizen who understands the law through judicial decisions. 司法判决是联系公民和法律的桥梁,公民通过司法判决来认识法律。
Explanation of Judicial Decision Reason-Inherent Requirement of Modern Judicial Legitimacy 判决理由说明&现代司法判决正当性的内在要求
It concludes that the result of judicial decision plays an important role of promotion and guidance for the efficiency of social control and the equity and harmony of social order. 结果表明,司法判决的结果对社会性规制的效率以及社会秩序的公正与和谐有着重要提升和指引。
We then examine the treatment of science by advocates and the media, as well as the role science typically plays in legislative, administrative and judicial decision making. 然后,我们将要检视宣扬者和传媒对科学的态度,以及科学在立法、行政和司法决策中的角色。
A judicial decision has two separate effects. 司法裁定有两种单独的效应。
Though mode of thinking and cognitive ability, the social cognitive background influences the judicial decision. 社会认知背景通过对思维方式、认识能力的影响作用于司法判决。
Procedural justice embodies in the planning of legal procedure and the process of judicial decision, has specific, concrete and operational moral standards. 程序正义体现于法律程序的设计以及司法裁判的过程之中,具有明确、具体且可操作的道德标准,属于看得见的正义。
It is generally believed that the judicial decision is absolute that every case has "the only correct solution". This is misleadingly wrong. 一般认为,司法判决是确定的,每个案件都存在着“唯一正确的答案”,这是一个常识性的错误。
From the Relationship between Arbitration and Judicial Decision to Se How to Perfect the Labor Dispute Resolution Process 从裁审关系看劳动争议处理机制的完善
The judicial decision of ECJ shows that ECB enjoys only a limited and functional independence, not an absolute one. 欧洲法院的司法裁决表明,欧洲中央银行的独立地位是一种有限的、功能性的独立,并不是绝对的独立。
It is certainly the choice for the judge to interpret legally in the course of his or her judicial judgment in order to overcome the shortcomings of the laws and keep the justice of the judicial decision. 为了克服法律自身的缺陷,实现司法判决结果的公正,法官在司法裁判过程中进行法律解释就成为当然的选择。
When civil norms have been brought into judicial decision, there are several ways. That how judges think several ways is not only a judicial method problem, but also is a respecting state law problem. 将民间规范纳入到司法裁判中时,有多种方式可供法官进行选择,法官如何在各种方式之间进行衡量不但是一个法律方法的问题更是一个是否尊重国家制定法的问题。
The traditional theory of exercising perfect self-cultivation and benevolent governance from the fact that the thinking mode of judicial process, that is a process of exploring truth. Judicial decision must be established in the truth finally. 传统的事实发现理论从主客观二分的思维模式出发,认为司法过程就是一个探究事实真相的过程,司法判决最终必须建立在真实的基础上。
Its essence is the intervention of judicial force in corporate governance, so that the deadlock in the company which can not be resolved through other means of relief might be dissolved by judicial decision. 其实质是由司法强制介入公司治理,使处于公司僵局而不能通过其他救济途径解决的公司通过司法判决予以解散。
From the view of judgment, it is far beyond the need of judicial decision. 从裁判层面而言,它远不能满足司法裁判的需要。
To truly achieve the unity of judicial decision, we also need to address judicial discretion. 要真正地实现裁判统一,我们还需要正视司法自由裁量权。
Now, both judicial system of decision making and our theorists, or the practical field have already reached consensus in the law clerk systerm. 时至今日,无论是司法决策层,还是司法理论界,抑或是实践领域,对法官助理制度已经形成了改革的共识。
The Extension of presumption is any point from the legal assumption to the judicial decision. 它的外延体现为[法律上的假定,司法认定]中任意一点。
Policy, public opinion and the law have played a certain degree of influence for the judicial decision, whether they were in initial stage of PRC or at present. The only difference lies in the functions and status among them. 政策、民意和法律三者无论在建国初还是现在,对于司法判决的做出都起到一定的影响作用,区别就在于各自发挥的功能和地位的不同。
The sociological investigations towards judges have proved that the individual factors of judges exert fewer influences than imagined on the judicial decision, supported by the judicial syllogism and restrained by the judicial procedures. 而法官的社会学调查证明,由于司法三段论的技术支持,以及司法判决过程的程序限制,法官个人因素对司法判决的影响并没有想像中那么严重。
Civil norms into justice by legal principle is a kind of amiable way. Judges are accountable to state law, and parties think that it is a content judicial decision. 民间规范可以通过法律原则的方式被纳入到司法裁判中,这是一种更加柔和的方式,对于法官来说可以向法律交待,对于当事人来说可以获得满意的结果。
In the Internet era, the trial can promote open and transparent public confidence in the judicial decision, to gradually improve the diversity of the program to make the trial open to meet the needs of public participation in the trial. 在互联网时代审判的公开透明能够促进民众对司法判决的信任,要逐步完善多样化的程序来使审判公开以满足公众对审判参与的需求。
Realization of validity of judicial decision is a basic issue of Jurisprudence. 司法判决效力的实现是法学上的一个基础性问题。